Feb. 22, 2023

Resources for Abuse

Resources for Abuse

As promised in the episode "Stop, Drop, Repeat", here is a list of resources for those needing help with abuse situations.


Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline:

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-4-A-Child or 1-800-422-4453) is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse.

Children of the Night
Children of the Night is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to assisting children between the ages of 11 and 17 who are forced to prostitute on the streets for food and a place to sleep.

FBI Cyber Crime Division

The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating cybercrimes and leads the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF). The FBI maintains specially trained cyber squads in each of its field offices that work hand-in-hand with task force partners. In addition to the various cybercrimes the agency is tasked with investigating, the agency also investigates child abductions and online sexual exploitation and works with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE)

Founded by Basyle Tchividjian, a former prosecutor and grandson of the late Rev. Billy Graham, GRACE exists to equip churches with a vision for authentic community, where responsibility, accountability, and compassion are second nature and caring for children and adult survivors of abuse are non-negotiable. GRACE’s mission is to empower churches to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse.

Jacob Wetterling Resource Center (JWRC)

Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-800-325-HOPE

Jacob Wetterling Resource Center was founded to educate and assist families and communities to address and prevent the exploitation of children. JWRC continues to work to end all forms of child maltreatment through education, training and prevention while advocating for and serving children, adult survivors, and communities.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization.

The Congressionally-authorized CyberTipline is a means for reporting crimes against children. Reports may be made 24-hours a day, 7 days a week online at www.cybertipline.com


National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC)

The National Children’s Advocacy Center(NCAC), located in Huntsville, Alabama, revolutionized the United States’ response to child sexual abuse.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) was created by Congress in 2000 as part of the Children’s Health Act to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events.

National Runaway Safeline (NRS)

The National Runaway Safeline (also known as NRS or 1-800-RUNAWAY; formerly known as National Runaway Switchboard) is the national communications system designated by the United States federal government for runaway and homeless youth, their parents and families, teens in crisis, and others who might benefit from its services.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence. NSVRC translates research and trends into best practices that help individuals, communities and service providers achieve real and lasting change. NSVRC also works with the media to promote informed reporting.

Rape & Incest National Network (RAINN)
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. On their website, you'll find statistics, counseling resources, prevention tips, news, and more.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline, which provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse. Available 24 hours a day and seven days a week,You can call the Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY), or access its online chat service.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation.

SAMHSA operates FindTreatment.gov, a confidential and anonymous resource for person seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the U.S. FindTreatment.gov provides the option to search for available providers in your area by address, city, zip code, and/or facility name. SAMHSA also operates a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service hotline. To reach the National Hotline (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-487-4889 (TTY).


Louisiana Foundation against Sexual Assault (LaFASA)

LaFASA is committed to empowering survivors, engaging advocates, and changing systems and social norms to end sexual violence in Louisiana. LaFASA is the coalition agency that serves statewide sexual assault crisis centers through education, professional training, technical assistance, and community engagement resulting in safer, healthier, stronger, and better-informed communities throughout Louisiana. LaFASA also provides advocacy and legal services directly to survivors and cultivates prevention in our communities. You can reach LaFASA at 1-888-995-7273.

Louisiana Coalition against Domestic Violence (LCADV)

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the federally designated statewide coalition of shelters, non-residential programs and individuals working to end domestic violence in Louisiana. LCADV’s programs serve people from everywhere in Louisiana and who come from all backgrounds. LCADV opposes violence as a means of control over others and support equality in relationships. You can reach LCADV at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).


Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR)

STAR is a nonprofit organization committed to serving youth and adult survivors of sexual trauma and building institutional capacity to prevent and respond responsibly to sexual violence in the community. STAR began in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as the Stop Rape Crisis Center, a division of the East Baton Rouge District Attorney’s Office, in 1975. In 2012, the agency became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, adopting its current name and expanding its services, and educational and outreach efforts. STAR currently serves a wide population of survivors, including children who have been sexually abused, adults who were sexually abused as children, and those who have faced sexual harassment, sexual battery and assault, rape and attempted rape. Geographically, STAR serves survivors in Ascension, Avoyelles, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Grant, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, Rapides, Vernon, West Feliciana, and West Baton Rouge Parishes. STAR provides supportive services to survivors to reduce their experience of trauma. Our advocacy, counseling and legal services are available to youth and adult survivors of sexual violence at no cost, and are intended to assist you at any stage of healing. To reach a STAR advocate, call 1-855-435-STAR (7827)

Southeast Advocates for Family Empowerment (SAFE)

SAFE is a private, non-profit agency serving domestic/dating violence and sexual assault survivors and their children in Livingston, St. Helena, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes. SAFE offers 24-hours crisis intervention in Livingston, St. Helena and Tangipahoa Parishes, as well as rapid rehousing in Washington Parish. SAFE also offers advocacy and referral services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and their dependent children. In addition to crisis intervention services, SAFE also offers safety planning, individual/group counseling, emergency food, clothing, temporary lodging, transitional housing, transportation, legal advocacy/support, court technical assistance, court preparation and court accompaniment. Advocates are available to meet with victims in their main office and in outreach locations. To contact the agency, call (985) 542-8384 (locally) or 1-888-411-1333 (statewide hotline).

Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS)

SLLS is a local agency that provides legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, including protective orders, divorce, custody, property disputes, and other legal services related to family violence. SAFE advocates can provide a referral to SLLS on their behalf. SLLS fights for fairness for vulnerable people and provides free, civil legal aid to low-income people in six offices, across 22 parishes throughout southeast Louisiana. Our six offices are located in Baton Rouge, Covington, Gretna, Hammond, Houma, and New Orleans. For office locations and contact information, see their website.

Twenty-First Judicial District Attorney’s Office

The 21st JDC consists of the parishes of Livingston, St. Helena, and Tangipahoa and is one of the largest judicial district in the state.


  • Livingston Parish Office: 20300 Government Blvd, 2nd Floor

Livingston, LA 70754

(225) 686-3070


  • Helena Parish Office: 369 Sitman St., 3rd Floor

Greensburg, LA 70441

(225) 222-6159


  • Tangipahoa Parish Office: 111 N. Bay St.

Amite, LA 70422

(985) 748-7890


  • Hammond Juvenile Office: 217 E. Charles St.

Hammond, LA 70401

(985) 345-8283


Additional Resources:


Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office            20300 Government Blvd., 1st Floor

                                                              Livingston, LA 70754

                                                              (225) 686-2241


St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office             19 North 1st St.

                                                              Greensburg, LA 70441

                                                              (225) 222-4413


Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office           15475 Club Deluxe Rd.

                                                              Hammond, LA 70403

                                                              (985) 345-6150


LSP Criminal Investigations Division       7919 Independence Blvd.

                                                              Baton Rouge, LA 70806

                                                             (225) 925-3703


Louisiana Bureau of Investigations           1885 North 3rd St.

                                                              Baton Rouge, LA 70802

                                                              (225) 326-6100


Louisiana ICAC Task Force                     1885 North 3rd St.

                                                              Baton Rouge, LA 70806

                                                              (225) 326-6100