Sept. 25, 2024

Miraculous Survival: Ashley Reeves

Miraculous Survival: Ashley Reeves

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In this episode of *Unspeakable*, KJ examines the true crime case of 17-year-old Ashley Reeves, whose life dramatically changed on April 27, 2006.  Kelly brings you on a journey through the harrowing details of her disappearance and the frantic search by her family, leading to the revelation of former teacher Sam Shelton as a suspect.  Kelly delves into Shelton's chilling confession of violence, and an unbelievable twist you have to hear to believe.

#AshleyReeves #SamShelton #Unspeakable #podcast #KellyJennings #crime #truecrime #miraculoussurvival 

08:28 Teenage girls Never Listen
15:42 Sam Shelton Emerges
22:11 A Visit to the Police Station
32:25 Line Dancing and Not a Care In the World
42:57 Snapping the Neck 48:36 Recovery

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