In this episode of 'Unspeakable: A True Crime Podcast by Kelly Jennings”, Kelly delves into the relationship between Rachel and her friend Janie, which devolves from supportive to sinister in Salt Lake City. As Rachel faces the challenges of...
In this episode of 'Unspeakable: A True Crime Podcast by Kelly Jennings”, Kelly delves into the relationship between Rachel and her friend Janie, which devolves from supportive to sinister in Salt Lake City. As Rachel faces the challenges of impending surgery and single motherhood, Janie initially appears as a nurturing ally, stepping in during tough moments. However, this facade masks a disturbing reality—Janie's jealousy spirals into a manipulative obsession, culminating in a plot to harm Rachel by poisoning her.
02:57 Friendship and Its Perils
06:28 The Beginning of Rachel and Janie's Friendship
12:00 Living Together: A New Chapter
12:41 Rising Tensions
17:11 The Unexpected Turn
21:14 A New Life and New Challenges
26:50 Planning for the Future
34:20 The Shift in Dynamics
36:13 The Dark Web and Its Secrets
1:09:54 A Dangerous Investigation
1:18:15 The Dark Web Unveiled
1:21:43 Unraveling the Truth
1:30:41 The Plea Deal
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